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Medical Professionals and Academics

David Ludwig, MD, PhD

Endocrinologist, Nutrition Researcher, Professor

Georgia Ede, MD

Psychiatrist and Nutrition Consultant

Jethro Hu, MD

Neuro-Oncologist and Brain Cancer Researcher

Adrienne C. Scheck, PhD

Cancer Biologist and Brain Cancer Researcher

Beth Zupec-Kania, RDN, CD

Dietitian & Consultant to The Charlie Foundation

Blair O'Neill, MD

Cardiologist and Low-Carb Lifestyle Advocate

Eric Westman, MD

Duke Professor & Lifestyle Medicine Clinic Director

Miriam Kalamian, EdM, MS, CNS

Ketogenic Nutritionist, Author, Cancer Patient Advocate

Thomas Seyfried, PhD

Cancer Biology Researcher, Author, Boston College Professor

Dale Bredesen, MD

Alzheimer's Disease Expert and UCLA Professor

Andrew Koutnik, PhD

Metabolic Therapies Researcher and Type 1 Diabetic

Loren Nations, DVM, DABVP

Veterinarian and Metabolic Therapies Advocate

Barbara Royal, DVM, CVA

Veterinarian and Royal Animal Health University Co-Founder

Public Educators

Aubrey Marcus

Entrepreneur and Human Optimization Expert

Suzanne Ryan

Author, YouTuber, and Founder of Keto Karma

Robb Wolf

Health Expert, Former Biochemist, NYT Bestselling Author

Audra Wilford

Co-Founder of MaxLove Project & Brain Cancer Patient Parent

Mark Sisson

Elite Endurance Athlete, Entrepreneur, NYT Bestselling Author

Jim Abrahams

Movie Director, Writer, Founder of The Charlie Foundation

Josh Perry

Pro BMX Athlete and Brain Tumor Survivor

Metabolic Health Summit Organizers

Dominic D'Agostino, PhD

Neuroscientist and Metabolic Health Summit Co-Organizer

Angela Poff, PhD

Metabolic Therapy Scientist & MHS Co-Founder

Victoria Field

Metabolic Health Summit Co-Founder

Want to learn more? Full MHS speaker presentations are available below!

Once a year, Metabolic Health Summit brings together the world's top experts to present the latest science on ketosis and metabolic therapies - and now you can watch every second of this impactful event from the comfort of your own home. In the packages below, you'll find 40+ hours of content from thought leaders covering topics include Alzheimer's disease, migraines, precision nutrition for cancer, warfighter performance, mental health, epilepsy, exogenous ketones in exercise, ketogenic endurance performance, optimizing cardiac and metabolic health, longevity, insulin regulation, metabolic disease, and so much more!

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Latest science on ketosis and metabolic therapies

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Conference on Ketosis and Metabolic Health

Important Disclaimer: Viewing this content confirms that you understand the material on this website are for educational purposes only and not nutritional and/or medical advice. Always seek advice from a licensed medical professional prior to implementing any treatment plan for a medical condition.